Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stay In Touch With The Pulse of The Paisley Family!

I know - it's a weird title for a blog, but alliteration tends to help people to remember. (Click the link, if you don't know what alliteration means!) I have never done this before, so be patient with me, and maybe we will both learn some stuff. I am actually doing a little bit of research for my pastor, since he is considering starting a blog our church's website - Through this blog, I will be able to keep family and friends up to date with current photos of our family and the activities that we are invloved in that keeps me from calling everyone on the cell phone or emailing everyone. I am not a huge fan of MySpace and other websites like that, so this seems to be a safe alternative for now (I hope I am not disappointed). You can add this site to your favorites, then you can come back to this site from time to time to see if there is anything new on the blog. I plan on posting something at least once a week, although I am not making any promises. So, without any further ado, here we go!

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