Saturday, March 8, 2008

Trip to PCC

We got back yesterday from a trip to Pensacola Christian College for a conference called, Enrichment Conference. It is designed for those (and their spouses) involved in music, youth, or pastoring church ministries. It was a great opportunity to see old friends from college and Becky Jenkins - our student from home, who is now attending PCC. She has met a young man by the name of Matt, who we met as well. Below are pictures of Julie and I with Becky, Matt and Greg Bryant. We saw many other friends from years gone by, but we regret that we forgot to get pictures of most of them. We will try next time. We hope to return next year along with our pastor and his wife (we think they would enjoy it also). Anyway, (to keep it short) we are very grateful to have been invited and to have attended the conference this past week. We received some very valuable teaching from many men of God, and we have returned to our ministry with a "booster shot". God's been good!

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